
由林郁展著作·2012—Rootkit是目前最常被攻擊者用來隱藏其攻擊行為的工具,現有的Rootkit檢測機制大多以檢查系統的靜態特徵或比對系統的完整性等方式偵測Rootkit,但攻擊者可透過不同的 ...,Arootkitisacollectionofcomputersoftware,typicallymalicious,designedtoenableaccesstoacomputeroranareaofitssoftwarethatisnot ...,Rootkit(也稱隱匿軟體)是指主要為隱藏其他程式行程的軟體,可能是一種或以上軟體的組合;廣義而言...


由 林郁展 著作 · 2012 — Rootkit 是目前最常被攻擊者用來隱藏其攻擊行為的工具,現有的Rootkit 檢測機制大多以檢查系統的靜態特徵或比對系統的完整性等方式偵測Rootkit,但攻擊者可透過不同的 ...


A rootkit is a collection of computer software, typically malicious, designed to enable access to a computer or an area of its software that is not ...


Rootkit(也稱隱匿軟體)是指主要為隱藏其他程式行程的軟體,可能是一種或以上軟體的組合;廣義而言,Rootkit也可視為一項技術。今天,Rootkit一詞更多指偽裝成驅動 ...

Rootkits - ENISA

A rootkit is a set of malicious ... In some cases, it could be also a malicious person or compromised server through web applications that injects the malware.

Rootkits in your web application

由 A Janc 著作 · 被引用 3 次 — Describe several techniques to convert various Web bugs into a resident XSS. Such techniques include backdooring client-side persistent storage mechanisms ( ...

What Is a Rootkit and How to Remove it

2023年1月4日 — A rootkit is a piece of malicious software designed to provide someone unauthorized access to a computer or other piece of software.

What is a rootkit?

Rootkits enable a hacker to remotely control a computer or network without the owner's knowledge. Learn how rootkits work and how to remove an infection.

What is Rootkit?

A rootkit is a program (or collection of programs) that installs and executes code on a system without end user consent or knowledge.


2004年10月26日 — rootkit 也稱為後門程式(backdoor) 或木馬程式(trojan)。 駭客利用各種方法(遠端攻擊、密碼猜測、暴力破解等)來取得系統的root權限後,即可在目標主機 ...

F-Secure BlackLight v2.2.1064 - Rootkit偵測工具

F-Secure BlackLight v2.2.1064 - Rootkit偵測工具


Sophos Anti-Rootkit v1.3 - Rootkit偵測工具

Sophos Anti-Rootkit v1.3 - Rootkit偵測工具


McAfee Rootkit Detective v1.0 - Rootkit偵測工具

McAfee Rootkit Detective v1.0 - Rootkit偵測工具
